The Encinitas 101 MainStreet Association
A non-profit corporation, Encinitas 101 MainStreet’s mission is historic preservation, renewal and growth of downtown Encinitas. It is part of a national association of MainStreet Cities.
MainStreet is a revitalization strategy used in over 1,200 cities and 40 states. Developed by the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s National MainStreet Center, the program encourages imaginative use of business and government resources to support local downtown and neighborhood commercial district revitalization efforts.
Guiding Encinitas for over 40 Years
In 2013, Encinitas 101 MainStreet and its hundreds of current and past members celebrated its 25-year anniversary of revitalizing, restoring and promoting downtown Encinitas.
An executive director acts as primary spokesperson, liaison to the city, and, with the help of staff members:
Manages the programs
Coordinates volunteers
Assist with program implementation
E 101 Staff members, including the executive director, report to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors implements the programs to effect positive change in the coastal corridor of Encinitas. The Board of Directors includes a variety of representatives from the community, primarily made up of business and property owners who guides policy, funding, and planning for Encinitas 101’s activities.
MainStreet revitalization efforts include:
Business development
Property development
Coordination of promotional events
Development of promotional materials
E101 Efforts in Action
E 101 works with property owners, leasing agents, businesses, and the City of Encinitas to enhance access to and make it easier to do business in downtown.
Working to attract more desirable retail & optimize the retail mix
Implementing creative solutions like pop-up stores
Working with City of Encinitas to streamline permit processes
Promoting Downtown Encinitas as a place to shop, dine, stay and play!
Weekly Newsletters
Daily cross platform Social Media posts
Timely Holiday promotions and merchant events
Print advertising for events and retail shopping
E 101 brings more than 100,000 people per year into our downtown to shop & attend our events.
Get Involved with E 101
We welcome business owners and residents to join our organization, volunteer at our community-focused events or just enjoy everything that is one of the last old-style California beach towns.
Promote your business and improve our community! Learn More
Help with an event or join a committee. Learn More
Reach 1,000s of people in Encinitas. Learn More
Help guide policy, funding, and plan activities. Learn More
Upcoming Events
The Encinitas 101 MainStreet Association regularly host fun, family friendly events on the 101 Coast Highway. See which events are coming up next!