Volunteer Opportunities in Encinitas
Looking to earn some volunteer hours in your community? We need your help!
As a non-profit organization we are always looking for superstar volunteers to help with our upcoming events and committee initiatives. If you love meeting people and being a part of a great community of people working together to make Encinitas a better everyday, then this is perfect for you! There are two main ways you can volunteer, either at one of our famous events, or by joining a committee.
Volunteer at an Event
Volunteers make our events happen! From the Spring and Holiday Street Fairs, to Classic Car Nights and The Taste of Encinitas, we couldn’t do it without our amazing volunteers.
Join a Committee
E101 committees develop plans and policies for our areas of focus that are important to our community. These include, among others, events issues and advocacy.
Other ways to Get Involved
Promote your business and improve our community! Learn More
Reach 1,000s of people in Encinitas. Learn More
Help guide policy, funding, and events. Learn More