Dave Peck

Encinitas 101 MainStreet Association Director

Coast Law Group LLP

Those of us who have lived here for decades miss the Encinitas of yesteryear. We recall a less crowded, slower-paced downtown with ample parking, funky shops, familiar faces and locally owned restaurants. But while much has changed along the 101 corridor, our historic town’s deep roots remain viable under the new stucco and concrete.

I was honored to serve on the Encinitas 101 Board of Directors from 2013-2019, including a term as Board President. I am now throwing my proverbial hat back into the ring because I’m passionate about our beach town on the coast and, with an office window on Highway 101 (directly across from Hansen’s), I recognize the challenges our district faces.

My vision for downtown Encinitas includes, first and foremost, preservation of the elements which make our town special. These elements include:

  1. La Paloma: It’s no secret that our beloved downtown theatre needs some TLC. During my term as board president Encinitas 101 facilitated a comprehensive historical evaluation of the property with an eye towards achieving historic landmark status. I am committed to seeing La Paloma returned to its status as a jewel in our community.

  2. Clean & Safe Sidewalks: Similar to most cities in Southern California, our downtown faces increasing challenges with vagrancy. While homelessness is a far larger issue than can be tackled by Encinitas 101, our organization should prioritize working with the City to ensure that our sidewalks remain clean and safe for residents and visitors alike.

  3. Retail Mix: For good or ill, the last decade has seen many changes along the 101 corridor with property values – thus rents - skyrocketing. One casualty of these market forces is the steady decline of our downtown retailers. While a healthy mix of businesses is a good thing, a vibrant and walkable downtown requires a thriving shopping district. The prevalence of offices, banks, insurance agencies, and law firms (yes, I’m looking in the mirror on this issue) must be kept in check. Our existing downtown retail ordinance must be strengthened to ensure the retail heart of our community remains beating in perpetuity.


Keegan Kingsbury | Director


Joseph Ramaglia | Director